CrystalMatch software

CrystalMatch - introduction

CrystalMatch is a simple software for (a) measuring crystal lattice distances and angles between lattices planes from HRTEM images and diffraction patterns and (b) for determining if the measured values match known crystal structures as described by crystallographic information files (CIF).


1) Download CrystalMatch

2) Unzip the downloaded folder

2) To run CrystalMatch, you will need to have the “MATLAB Runtime” installed. Install Matlab runtime by clicking the file “MyAppInstaller_mcr.exe” and follow the installation instructions

3) Make a folder on your C-drive called “CrystalMatch” and place the file “DTU.png” and the folder called “CrystalMatch CIF files” here.

4) Now you can run the CrystalMatch.exe file

5) For a quick guide on how to analyse HRTEM image and diffraction pattern with CrystalMatch read the pdf-file "CrystalMatch_v2 quick guide". In this guide you can also find documentation for how CrystalMatch works.
19 APRIL 2024