Short CV of Jacob Østergaard


Personal details

Date of birth: 17 March 1969
Nationality: Danish

Contact information

Technical University of Denmark
Department of Wind and Energy Systems
Elektrovej 325
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

mobile: +45 25 13 05 01 
Twitter: @ProfJacobO


Jacob Østergaard is an internationally recognized research leader in the field of renewable-based energy systems. Throughout his career, he has been committed to making a substantial contribution to the green transition by leading the development of the technology for the future sustainable energy system. His research has contributed to the advancement of a more integrated, market-based, flexible, and resilient energy system. He has made contributions within power system stability, flexibility markets, offshore wind power hubs (energy islands), and application of quantum computers within energy systems. He is founder of PowerLabDK and he has been the driving force behind initatives like EnergyLab Nordhavn and Baltic Energy Island.

He is head of the Division for Power and Energy Systems at DTU Wind and Energy Systems. The division has 6 sections and more than 100 staff members. The research of the division covers energy markets, energy analytics, power systems, Power-to-X, energy storage, distributed energy systems, e-mobility, and prosumers.

He is a strong believer in collaboration between industry and academia and has unique experience with large-scale experiments with real-life energy systems. This includes projects on the island of Bornholm worth more than 1bn DKK. He has served on several academic and professional boards and committees. In 2016-17 he was member of the Danish Energy Commission laying the foundation for an ambitious Danish energy policy. He is a requested speaker and a known voice in the public debate.


2009: IBM Faculty Award (USD 20,000)
2007: AEG Foundation’s Electron-prize (DKK 50,000)
2005: Mogens Balslev Foundation (DKK 100,000)
1996: A. Angelo’s prize for research talents (DKK 10,000) 


Further information

My official DTU webpage 
Publications in Thompson Reuter
 (Researcher Id: F-4434-2012)
Publications in Google Scholar
Publications in SCOPUS (Author ID: 7004506852)
Publications in ORCID (ORCID identifier: 0000-0002-9416-2857)